Siranush Vardanyan

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Country: Armenia
Email: siranush_vardanyan [at]
Facebook: Facebook.png   Siranush Vardanyan
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   Siranush Vardanyan
ICANNLogo.png Currently a member
of ICANN's NomCom

ICANNLogo.png Formerly a member

Userboxcards.png Featured in the ICANN 47 - Durban playing card deck

ICANNLogo.png Currently ICANN Staff

Siranush Vardanyan is the Fellowship Coordinator at ICANN. Vardanyan began this position in 2016. She is also a board member of the ISOC Armenia. Prior to this, she was Chair, APRALO until late 2016.

Career History

Ms. Vardanyan has sixteen years of experience working for international NGOs. She has been working at HFHA since 2008, where she provides information on national housing needs and identifies potential beneficiaries for HFH interventions.

Prior to joining HFH, she worked for Project Harmony Armenia, first as an Outreach Manager and then as a Program Manager for the Armenia School Connectivity Program. Ms. Siranush has played an important role in internet development in Armenia.[1]

She is a three time ICANN Fellow and actively attends ICANN Meetings.[2]

Ms. Vardanyan is also a Salzburg Seminar Fellow of the Academic Core Session "International Legal Perspectives on Human Rights", and a Central European University Summer School participant in the “Human Rights and Forced Displacement: An Interdisciplinary Approach” course. From 2000 to 2007 Ms. Vardanyan was the Program Department Manager at Project Harmony.

She was a voting member for the Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus.[3]


She participated in the DiploFoundation's "Internet Governance Capacity Building Training" program in 2007, Veronica Cretu was her tutor.[4] She also participated in the First European Summer School on Internet Governance in Germany in August 2007.[5]
