Nick Ashton-Hart

Country: Switzerland
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UnderConstruction.png Nick Ashton-Hart is the Principal at Consensus Optimus

Career History

He first started out in the ICANN staff as a consultant to a European/African ALS community group who worked to grow, maintain and bring to fruition the structure of RALOs needed to bring those regions of the world an understanding of what it means to be part of ICANN and revealing their overarching goal.

He was once the Executive Director of International Music Managers Forum, this forum represented musicians at the international spectrum as opposed to the generalization of specific country artists. Some of these artists included James Brown, “The Godfather of Soul” and the band called Heaven 17.

Nick has also worked a consulting IT leadership position in a for-profit company where he would stay in a director’s position for a 20 year career in the multilateral world. These fields would include many different tasks but there was much urban development as well as negotiations at the World Intellectual Property Organization for purposes of diplomacy.

Awards and other Achievements

Nick would be the coordinator of an event in 1987 that involved fundraising for the UN International Year of Shelter for the homeless.

Throughout his career he has continually worked as both a non-profit, privately held and for-profit worker as both a director of services and varying other positions within a given ICANN field of play. He even ascertained partnership at the Lansharks EIS, Inc. which paved the way for his continued prolonged career.

He would go on to consult many entrepreneurial businesses and get them into shape, this would often times include relocating a business and starting from scratch somewhere else. This would also include specified clients and not just whole businesses; he would restructure certain company algorithms and reinvent them to fit a more consistent prowess that improved a company’s administration.

He would do all of this because of a simple interest in multilateral diplomacy which has defined him as an individual working to achieve a clear cut and concise goal that others would also love to achieve.