Domain Name/zh

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Revision as of 21:13, 25 August 2015 by Jackie Treiber (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==域名的构成方式是什么?== 通常,一个域名由被分割成几个部分的一个字母数字字符串组成,最重要的部分用句点区分。比如,以...")
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域名网址(URL)的一部分,可以被输入到浏览器中从而找到一个特定的网站。当一台计算机与互联网相连时,它就会获得一个唯一的IP 地址;由于IP地址不容易被人记住,因而产生了用以将IP地址和域名相关联的DNS或域名系统。[1] ICANN是监管域名系统的管理机构。





  • 域名的最高级别,即 顶级域在最右端;这个域名的顶级域就是“.com”这个字符串。
  • TLD可以细分成其他部分,但是在这个例子中,句点左边的是二级域名 ,即“icannwiki”这个字符串。[2]


A domain name is organized from right to left, with the specific descriptions in the left part of the domain name while the general descriptors are in the right part. The machine name (WWW) is positioned at the far left. Dots are used in order to separate the domain levels.

Types of Domain Names

  1. Generic Top-Level Domain Names

These domain name extensions began to appear in the 1980's, and now include: .com, .net, .mobi, etc. Anyone can register a domain name under this extension but these domains have restricted use.

  1. Country Code Top-Level Domain Names

There are generic top-level extensions at a national level, which based on a code depending on the country, such as: France,, United, etc. National entities are responsible with the administration of these specific country codes.

  1. Sponsored Top-Level Domain Names

There are cases when top-level domain names may receive sponsorship from institutions and various organizations. The difference between generic top-level domain names and sponsored domain names consists of a charter that defines the domain purpose such as: .gov (US government), .edu (US educational organizations),etc.[3]

Domain Name vs. URL

A domain name is not a URL. The domain name is only a component of the URL, as the URL provides more information related to the address, protocol language, and other such issues. [4]
