Monte Cahn

Country: USA

Monte Cahn is a renowned Internet entrepreneur and domainer. He established the first Internet domain brokerage, He has founded and acted as CEO for a number of important industry companies, such as Moniker and Domain Systems.[1] He is currently working on a new project, Right of the Dot, with Michael H. Berkens.


Monte Cahn was already establishing himself as a medical equipment salesman before he graduated college. Post graduation, he took his business of selling specialized cardiology equipment to South Florida. He then took on a low-performing unit of the drug corporation, Eli Lilly; within 2 years Mr. Cahn had moved that department from its #111 rank within the company's territories, to #4. He and other senior managers then set out to establish their own distributor of specialized medical equipment in San Diego, California; they later sold the company to one of the world's largest drug distributors, after first bringing it public and seeing their systems integrated in a majority of American hospitals.[2]


Monte Cahn became aware of domaining through a client, and decided to start a side business with him. The result was the Internet's first domain brokerage company, He moved on but continued to become a bigger part of the burgeoning domaining marketplace. His next company made headlines throughout the late 1990s thanks to their multi-million dollar domain sales; a merger with created[3]


Mr. Cahn has degrees in Marketing and Biology from The University of Kentucky.[4]
