Bill Tomon

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Bill T.jpg
Country: Papua New Guinea

Bill Tomon is an ICT Professional at ITS. He has been a Systems Administrator and Technical suopport for Papua New Guinea's ccTLD, .pg, at the University of Papua New Guinea, since 2003.[1] Mr. Tomon is also involved in ISOC's Pacific Islands chapter, and PAGNOG.

Bill Tomon was an ICANN Fellow at ICANN 43 in Costa Rica; the first conference he attended was ICANN 41 in Singapore.[2]

He speaks English, Mandarin and Pidgin.


He holds Masters in Engineering in Communication and Information Systems from University of Science and Technology Beijing, and Bachelors of Engineering from the PNG University of Technology.[3]


  1. ICANN 43 Interview
  2. [[ICANN 43 Interview
  3. Bill Tomon's Linkedin Profile

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