.hm is the ccTLD for the Heard and McDonald Islands. It is managed by the HM Domain Registry.[1]
Rules and Restrictions[edit | edit source]
Registrations within .hm are open to persons and companies anywhere.[2]
Obscene or otherwise offensive domain names are not acceptable. Domains which imply an interest in the management of the HM domain space are similarly not permitted.
Registration of surnames (as contained in a reputable database) is not permitted. Surnames are reserved for the use of MY.HM, a provider of email and related services who has supported the operation of the HM Domain Registry and the trust for the benefit of the Heard and McDonald Islands. If one is interested in obtaining these services, they should contact info@my.hm directly.
The use of unsolicited email as an advertising technique is not tolerated by the Registry. Any unsolicited email:
- advertising a URL within .hm;
- apparently sourced from a server within a .hm domain; or
- with a source or reply-to address within a .hm domain
may result in termination of service and/or removal of the affected domain and other related domains from the DNS zone files. (Related domains means domains which have a registrant or contact details in common with the affected domain).[3]
Characters[edit | edit source]
.hm domains must:
- be at least three characters long (e.g. abc.hm);
- only contain alphanumeric characters and dashes (e.g. a-z, 0-9, -);
- start with an alpha character (e.g. 1st-place.hm is not valid).[3]
References[edit | edit source]
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