.pf is the ccTLD for French Polynesia. The name "pf" comes from the French name of Polynésie française. It is managed by the Gouvernement de la Polynésie française.[1]
Rules and Restrictions[edit | edit source]
The following entities are eligible to hold a domain name at the top level:
- individuals or legal entities with a TAHITI number, listed in the Territorial Business Directory (RTE);
- individuals or legal entities holding a trademark registered with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) or authorized to use the trademark.
Domain names must not:
- appear in the list of prohibited terms, which include offensive, racist, vulgar terms, or terms related to crimes or offenses), technical Internet terms, names of regulated professions, terms related to state functions, names of countries that are signatories to the Paris Convention, officially recognized names or terms of international organizations, and generic terms;
- infringe the rights of third parties, particularly:
- intellectual property (literary and artistic property and/or industrial property);
- competition rules and fair commercial conduct;
- the right to a person’s name, first name, or pseudonym;
- be contrary to public decency and order and, specifically, does not contain any term:
- penalized under the law of July 29, 1881, on the freedom of the press;
- that could harm the physical, mental, or moral development of minors.[2]
Second-level Domains[edit | edit source]
The following entities are eligible to hold a domain name under the second level:
- individuals or legal entities with a TAHITI number, listed in the Territorial Business Directory (RTE);
- organizations established by resolution or decree;
- individuals who are adults and residents of French Polynesia.
The following SDLs are available for registration:
- .asso.pf: for associations;
- .edu.pf: for educational institutions;
- .gov.pf: for the government of French Polynesia and its administration;
- .org.pf: open to any registered applicant without requiring justification for the requested domain name.[2]
Characters[edit | edit source]
The following alphanumeric terms are permitted as domain names, consisting of French alphabet letters (a to z), numbers (0 to 9), and the hyphen (-).
Domain names that cannot be registered include:
- names consisting of a single character;
- names consisting of only two letters;
- names beginning or ending with a hyphen "-";
- names exceeding 255 characters in length (with a maximum of 63 characters between each “.”);
- names beginning with “xn--”.[2]
References[edit | edit source]
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