
From ICANNWiki
Revision as of 19:44, 16 November 2016 by Dustin Loup (talk | contribs)
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We are partnering with nTLDStats to provide a robust and comprehensive resource on New gTLDs. By integrating their statistics into our site, we are creating a resource that will demystify the world of new gTLDs.

The userbox (pictured left) now features statistics such as registrations and parked domains, as well as important dates relating to each TLD. you will also find more factual information on each TLDs article and more statistics on

Our aim is to ensure that the DNS remains a secure, stable, open and healthy resources for everyone.

About ICANNWiki

ICANNWiki is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to supporting the Internet community's collaborative development of wiki articles on ICANN and Internet Governance-related topics. (Learn More...)

Acronym of the Week

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) encourages the development of new and enhanced economic policies for the social well-being of people around the globe. It provides a forum for the governments of developed nations and developing nations to work together to share experiences and seek solutions to common issues.

The organization for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC) was formed after the Second World War for the economic development and stabilization of European countries which were under financial crisis after the war. The OEEC also worked to avoid the post-World War I mistakes of punishing the defeated, in order to ensure long lasting peace in the continent. It was established in 1947 to assist and support the Marshall Plan to reconstruct and redevelop the European continent, which was completely destroyed by the Second World War. It invoked a sense of unity and cooperation between the European countries by making them realize the economies of all European countries are interdependent on each other.

Thanks You to our Sponsors
  • NicheWork
  • PIR
  • logo 2.png
  • FairWinds Partners
  • GMO Registry
  • NTLDStatsLogo.png
  • BlueWater Law logo2.png