User:Mariana Vidotti

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I am a Brazilian lawyer currently working with Digital Law in SOLINTEL, a company that provides courses, training and consultancy specialized in technical and regulatory management in telecommunications to small and medium Internet providers throughout Brazil. The company is nationally recognized as a knowledge multiplier in the area, which makes it a big opinion leader.

One of my duties includes direct participation in Brazilian Public Consultations promoted by Public Agencies, such as the National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) and the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications (MCTIC), which discuss new legislation and regulations on the Internet. It is up to me to build the thesis on such themes.

Therefore, on behalf of the company, I made contributions to Public Consultations on: draft of the Decree that regulates the Civil Internet Framework in Brazil; Alteration of the General Telecommunications Law in Brazil; Legislation on assignments and organization of the Internet Steering Committee in Brazil (; Brazilian Strategy for Digital Transformation; among others.

Other functions that I perform are: development of scientific papers in the area of telecommunications, constant study of national and international regulations in the sector, lectures and courses.

Recently I was selected as a student of the Internet Governance School in Brazil (, an initiative of and Its main objective is to qualify public administrators, policy-makers, legal professionals, entrepreneurs, researchers, scholars, the technical community, activists from civil society organizations, and others interested in the functioning and governance of the Internet, providing subsidies, developing concepts and bringing contexts, themes, challenges and discussion forums to light.

In addition to that, I took part in the ICANN 62 Panama as a NextGen, where I had the opportunity of presenting my paper on the use of backdoor in end-to-end communication apps, and participated in the First Internet Governance Research Network Meeting held at Zero Day of the VII Internet Forum in Brazil, organized by, where I presented my research, ‘Contractual Relations on the Internet: Legal Security and Information Security of Digital Certification in Electronic Contracts’.

I was also one of the co-authors, and the rapporteur, of the panel “Backdoor: Violation or Mitigation of the Principles of Legal Security and Privacy”, selected to be presented at another event organized by, the VII Internet Forum in Brazil.

Lastly, I am an active member of the Commission on Digital Law of the Londrina Subdivision of the Brazilian Bar Association, Section of the State of Paraná - OAB/PR, which aims to discuss topics related to Digital Law and spread knowledge through meetings and lectures to the public.