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Status: Delegated
country: International
Type: Generic
Category: Commerce
Priority #: 259 - Tickets TLD LLC
406 - Accent Media Limited
464 - Donuts (Atomic McCook, LLC)
485 - Shubert Internet, Inc.
538 - Famous Four Media (dot Tickets Limited)

More information: NTLDStatsLogo.png

.tickets is a gTLD delegated in ICANN's new gTLD program. The registry is managed by Accent Media Limited, with back-end services provided by CentralNic.

Accent Media won the private auction for the .tickets string in September 2014, outbidding the other four applicants. The proposed application succeeded and was delegated to the Root Zone on 26 March, 2015.[1]

.tickets reached general availability on 21 September 2015, following an Early Access Program (EAP) held from 14-20 of September 2015. The mandatory sunrise period was held from 13 July 2015-11 September 2015.

Current Applicant

  1. Accent Media Limited - This applicant submitted a Public Interest Commitment, which can be downloaded here

Previous Applicants

  1. Donuts (Atomic McCook, LLC) - This applicant submitted a Public Interest Commitment, which can be downloaded here
  2. Famous Four Media (dot Tickets Limited)
  3. Shubert Internet, Inc. - This applicant submitted a Public Interest Commitment, which can be downloaded here
  4. Tickets TLD LLC [2]

Private Auction

In September 2014, it was announced that Accent Media won the rights to the string over the other applicants. The company had received $1.62 Million in investment money from CentralNic, and Accent will switch their backend provider from Afilias to CentralNIC. CentralNIC will acquire a 12% stake in Accent as well.[3]


  1. Delegated String, ICANN.org Retrieved 26 Mar 2015
  2. Tickets Status, ICANN.org
  3. Accent Wins .tickets Auction after 1.6M CentralNIC Investment DomainIncite" by Kevin Murphy; Retrieved 23 Sept 2014