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Ahlam M. Abu-Jadallah is a .jo ccTLD and IDN ccTLD (.الاردن) manager. She works in National Information Technology Center (NITC) as Head of National Domain Names Division. Mrs. Abu-Jadallah has B.Sc. in Computer Sciences from University of Jordan – Amman. She attended King Abdullah II School for Information Technology for 3 years and graduated with Honor GPA 3.84 (Very Good). Mrs. Abu-Jadallah participated in different meetings, workshops and trainings related to ccTLD, DNS and DNS market such as: ICANN Meetings, MEAC-SIG, Arab IGF, MENOG, MEDNS Forum and others. Also, she is an active member in different working groups such as: MEAC-SWG, TF-CBA and others. Mrs. Abu-Jadallah is a good activists in the Middle East region regarding Internet Policies and digital rights, she is a good author who writes some articles to one of the IGMENA projects (IPA)

Mrs. Abu-Jadallah is working very hard on the IDN ccTLD (.الاردن) promotion since its still new in the country and the region, she is working to promote it among different governmental entities, private sector and personals.

Mrs. Abu-Jadallah is a Jordanian, lives in Amman – Jordan.